
I rest above and below 

Geothermal wombs




Time is a figment but I see it on my face 

And I am young 

And I’m getting older 

Skin chapped 


Warm in the light

Glowing in shadow 

I wade when it’s shallow 

I wade in trepidation 

Into darkness 

I wade in confidence 

For all the darkness in depth there is still as much light in the unknown 

Making purpose in practice 

Gaining strength with weight 

A heavy soul more free

With every 


A shrouded cry 

Nude soak 

Cavernous longing

Naked yet warm

Vulnerable yet resilient

Sufficient yet Seeking

I am a man but I am beautiful 

I have been working with cyanotype for three years now. I started by coating watercolor paper and printing in the sun. I felt a similar magic to what I had felt in the darkroom and fell in love with the deep Prussian blue. I had never seen a blue so rich and vibrant. 

The first time I was introduced to cyanotype was in an Alternative Processing Photography class at Humboldt State University where I received my BA in Studio Art with a focus in Photography and Sculpture graduating in 2013. Last year I received my MFA in Art Education from Lewis and Clark here in Portland and I just started my first full time teaching position as a High School Photography teacher. 

I have felt my age this past year more than ever. I am coming into a time in my life with extreme responsibility and weight. With that greater feeling of weight there is also a greater feeling of freedom. I have incurred more stress than I’ve ever felt but along with that have felt great purpose. I have been broken and healed,  great love and even greater loss, joy and deep sorrow. This work has some to do with that. I photographed these pieces three years ago and they have lain dormant in my archives waiting for the time that they needed to be shown. 

That time is now…